Strive for the best

Get to know usOur vision

To develop and sustain a high-level instructional consultancy and training in the areas of entrepreneurship, microfinance, co-operative, impact assessments, organizational development, governance, project development and management, strategic planning, resource mobilization, fundraising and monitoring and evaluation.

About us

Our Mission

To create a leading-edge to consulting firm that will positively impact the social and economic development of Tanzania.

Liheta Consultancy Servicesis a firm established with an objective of providing quality and insightful research and consultancy services in the agriculture and rural development, organizational development, microfinance, co-operative development, finance, economic development and agribusiness projects. LCS has its office in Tabata Segerea, Dar es salaam - Tanzania. LCS brings together a wealth of professional skills and experience gained by its staff and associates over the years through involvement in many different types of projects within Tanzania.

The firm`s associates have also been involved in projects financed by a number of local and international donors/financiers and are thus aware of the requirements and conditions of major donors/financiers. The staff and associates have worked extensively for clients in the private, public, NGOs, and civil society sectors in Tanzania and thus able to meet the objectives and expectations of the broad spectrum of our clients and stakeholders.

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More than just business

Our Values

We observe professionalism, team work, excellence, value creation and integrity

Core areas

ServicesWhat we do

Training and Facilitation

Training and Facilitation

Project Management

Project Management

Community Development

Community Development

Research Services

Research Services

Program Audit and Evaluation

Program Audit and Evaluation

Information Technology

Information Technology

Partnership and Collaboration

Our partners

LCS has a number of partners in Tanzania and Kenya. In Tanzania LCS is working with GENIHAM and Geonetwork while in Kenya with African Research and Economic Development Consultants Ltd (AFREDEC)

  • GENIHAM - Singida
  • GEONETWORK - Dar es Salaam
  • Aspire Development Services - Dar es Salaam
  • African Research and Economic Development Consultants Ltd (AFREDEC)

Dedicated to your business

The team atLiheta consultancy services


Dr. Basili Liheta

Managing Director


Alexandre Dahaye



Gerald Absanto

Consultant Business Development

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