Our Partnership

Liheta consulting servicesJoining Forces

Partnering and collaboration wherever we work delivers the very best results. Our partners include governments, civil society organisations, faith communities, faith-based organisations, businesses, academia, and more.

Our Partners

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Partnership and collaboration

LCS has a number of partners in Tanzania and Kenya. In Tanzania LCS is working with GENIHAM and Geonetwork while in Kenya with African Research and Economic Development Consultants Ltd (AFREDEC).

GENIHAM - Singida

  • 2021:End line evaluation of Gender and Generational Empowerment in Same and Mwanga Districts.Client: Hivos
  • 2021:End of project evaluation for Hope of a Child project in Monduli and Longido Districts in Arusha Region Client: African Initiatives
  • 2020:End-line evaluation of Rebuilding lives, Growing livelihood in Kilimanjaro and Arusha RegionsClient: Motivation UK
  • 2019:Midterm review of Gender and Generational Empowerment in Same and Mwanga DistrictsClient: Twin & Hivos
  • 2018:Midterm review for Income and Employment for Women and Youth in Dairy sector North East TanzaniaClient: SNV-Tanzania

GEONETWORK - Dar es Salaam

  • Sharing human and physical resources
  • Developing joint consultancy proposals
  • Training on research and consultancy

Aspire Development Services - Dar es Salaam

  • Sharing human and physical resources
  • Developing joint project proposals
  • Training on research and consultancy

African Research and Economic Development Consultants Ltd (AFREDEC).

  • 2022:Mid-Term Review of the Locally Managed/Empowered Marine Areas: Enhancing Coastal and Marine Socio-Ecological Resilience and Biodiversity Conservation in the Western Indian Ocean (LEAP) ProjectClient: IUCN
  • 2021:Independent impact assessment of participatory rangeland management (PRM) in Baringo County in Kenya and in Kiteto District in TanzaniaClient: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
  • 2019:Midterm evaluation of the SEAF/KASI Agri-ventures Program in TanzaniaClient: SEAF/ Funded by USDA
  • 2018:Baseline Survey of Hybrid Rice Project in Kenya and TanzaniaClient: African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF)
  • 2017:End of Phase Evaluation (2013-2016) of the Swisscontact Financial Services Program in Kenya, Uganda and TanzaniaClient: Swisscontact Financial Services East Africa - Kenya
  • 2015:Development of M&E Plan and Baseline Survey for the SEAF/KASI Agri-ventures Program in TanzaniaClient: SEAF / Funded by USDA
  • 2015:Three-country baseline assessment for agribusiness investment for market stimulation (AIMS) program - Kenya, Tanzania and MalawiClient: Global Communities / Funded by USDA